Going to the movies is a fun experience, but ordering tickets in many apps and websites feels like navigating a long and frustrating process. I chose to concentrate on my experience at Cinema XXI, one of the largest cinema chains in my country, and their mobile app called M.Tix. As a foundation for the problem I wanted to solve, I read many negative reviews about UX issues. I installed and downloaded their iOS app to see how it works today.
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I researched the behaviors of people between the ages of 18 and 36. Most people in this age group, in my opinion, already use transfers and make online transactions through various applications. As a starting point, I read reviews on the PlayStore and raptor data.
While reading the reviews, I noticed that many people have issues with how cluttered each page is, the inflexibility of the app experience, and payment issues. Based on this, I'd like to revamp it in order to begin redesigning the mobile app, with the hope of having an impact on the final result.